Arukus Enterprise Risk Management.

Helping Organizations move from higher risk to lower risk

Effectively and proactively protect organizational risks that adversely impact processes. Identity, Monitor, Mitigate and Control Risks with Arukus ERM’s dynamic risk scoring system.

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    How it works

    Risk Identification

    Create new risk items based on risk category, risk class, affected processes, affected departments, potential contributing factors and Risk ownership.

    Risk Measurement

    Measure Risks based on Probability of Occurrence and Impact Factor across 3 stages: Pre-Mitigation Stage is the Inherent Risk that we carry. Target risk rating is the risk level, that we want to achieve as per our Risk Appetite and Post Mitigation Stage where the residual risk score, that remains after optimum efforts to mitigate and control the risk have been introduced.

    Risk Interaction & Prioritization

    Identify related risks which has either a direct or indirect inter-linkage with the main risk. Inter-linkage signifies that if the main risk materializes then there is a probability or impact change that will get triggered in the interacting risk and vice versa.

    Risk Mitigation

    Listing of the Risk mitigation steps planned with measures which may address the problem in hand or the potential contributing factor. The frequency/ timeline is set for the process with individual ownership for each mitigation step.

    Risk Controls

    List the Key Risk Indicators (KRI) that potentially can impact an individual risk (max and min limits) with measurement on a regular basis along with and assigning ownership of the KRI with the responsible person.

    Dynamic Risk Scoring

    Arukus Enterprise Risk Management platform employs a dynamic risk scoring mechanism where the movement of an individual risk score is monitored based on updates in the KRI values, while mitigation and control measures are underway.

    As KRIs and Risk Impact on organization processes continue to evolve, so too will the Risk Score, allowing risks to shift between higher and lower scores, creating a dynamic landscape of proactive risk management.

    Organizations can have both birds eye and detailed view of the Risk Landscape across departments, processes and identify top risks, risk trends and make informed decisions.

    Dynamic Risk Scoring

    Dynamic Risk Assessment using the Risk Score Grid

    The risk score grid allows organizations to monitor the movement of risk scores (Risk Trend) as they change with time through the periodic measurement of KRIs post implementation of mitigation and control strategies.

    • The Risk Score - that ranges from 1 to 25 is based on the Risk Probability and the Max. Impact it has across organization processes.

    • Updating the Probability happens when the Key Risk Indicator (KRI) Values change, while Impact adjustments are handled by the designated Risk Owner.

    • Any change to either Probability or Max Impact triggers an immediate recalculation of the Risk Score.

    • As KRIs and Impact continue to evolve, so too will the Risk Score, allowing risks to shift between higher and lower scores, creating a dynamic landscape of proactive risk management.

    • Organization can have both birds eye and detailed view of the Risk Landscape across departments, processes and identify top risks, risk trends and make informed decisions.

    Dynamic Risk Assessment using the Risk Score Grid

    Monitor Risks using Key Risk Indicators

    KRI values can be managed in two ways.

    • 1. KRI values can be auto-calculated based on parameters fetched from enterprise operational systems. The KRI value is auto-assigned based on a pre-defined range the value falls under.

    • 2. Alternatively, KRI values can be updated manually by users who are assigned to manage the KRIs (KRI Owners, Risk Owners, etc.)

    While updating the KRI values if it falls outside the min-max range, a breach is automatically triggered alerting risk owners and admins. The KRI owner can provide a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) of the breach and take immediate corrective actions.

    Monitor Risks using Key Risk Indicators

    Monitor Risk Mitigation & Control Strategies

    Monitor each mitigation and control measure w.r.t timeline, monitoring frequency, status of the mitigation, remarks etc.

    Color coded indicators of the status of the mitigation or control measure. Risk Owner can assign a Primary Responsible person for each Control Measure. Automatic email alerts to assigned persons for impending deadline, timeline breach, etc.

    Monitor Risk Mitigation & Control Strategies

    Actionable Dashboards on Organization Risk Scores, Top Risks & Trends

    • Organization Risks Heatmap

    • Top Risks by Department

    • Top Contributing Factors

    • Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Chart

    • Risk Score Trend

    • Timeline Breaches

    and more …

    Actionable Dashboards on Organization Risk Scores, Top Risks  & Trends

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